Has it ever happened with you, that your order is booked by your competitors by offering an inferior product than yours? If the answer is yes, then you must have tried to provide your best flagship lift design with a lot of new technology without analyzing the real need.
The second mistake is
"We sell what we feel is right for our customers, not what our customer thinks is right".
You have to create a solution as per the mindset of future lift owner, which is possible only by asking questions. For example, you need to know,
Whether your customer is interested in High-end designer product or an economical design?
Whether your customer's priority is Quality or Pricing?
Whether it is for personal use or further renting out?
Is your customer interested in availing AMC or not?
For instance
"A real-estate developer in the line of developing budgeted flats or houses may get a Uniquely Designed Lift for their own personal use and might prefer an Economic Classic Standard lift for their housing projects".
"Likewise, where an architect or an interior designer is involved with your customer, they might suggest a designer car, in an attempt to match their design pallet with the lift interiors."
To successfully sell, we need a personalized design for every new customer, because at last customer is human and every human has different priorities and preferences.